
I know that .Net is lack of TimeZone info with the DateTime type.
And seems that cause the Npgsql have some problem with timestamp with timezone.

To avoid timezone issue in .Net, I convert all my DateTime value to
UTC, and set all
my DateTime variable's Kind property to UTC. It's works ok in my
application. just like
timestamp without timezone.

However, when I use Npgsql insert the data to postgresql, I found all
my DateTime value
are read as system local timezone. It's definitly wrong, since all
DateTime.Kind are set
to UTC, which should be read as UTC timezone, rather than local time.

The reason why I didn't alter the table structure for the field from
timestamp with timezone
to timestamp without timezone, is I do need the timezone in the column
and my other applications,
which directly use SQL to operate postgresql will use timezone info.

My current version of Npgsql is 1.9x which is Npgsql 2.

My request is that could Npgsql check DateTime.Kind value before
convert it to SQL?
If the Kind is Local then use system local timezone,
otherwise(Unspecified or UTC) which use
the UTC timezone.


Tao Wang
Npgsql-general mailing list

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