I hear ya!
  I've waited many an hour in line, and as long as I'm able to do so, I'll
wait again!    I don't want to be the short person having to look over your
"big ol head!"  
  T ;)

Michael Byrdsong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  If I go to the morning show thingy, I will be right up there in front 
with Tonia or anyone else that likes to be in front to see Prince 
perform. All you short people will have to look over my big ol head 
to see. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be up 
front. We all experience the shows in our own ways. Some need the 
front, and some are just fine chilling in the back wondering why and 
embarrassed by the fact that so many people are trying to get up front.

None of us at this list should single out any other for their love of 
a live Prince Show. I believe that everyone who posts regularly on 
the list is as much a Prince fan as the next guy. It is very time 
consuming to read everyone's posts, but we somehow make the time to 
do so. That in itself is indicative of the level of Fans that we are.

Yes there are some "extremists" out there that would squeeze the 
sweat out of Prince's towel and drink it (Eew, I can't believe I just 
thought of that), but most of us are extreme in other ways. My 
extremity is that when you ride in my car, you will hear a Prince jam 
9 out of 10 times.

I bet that If most of us created a log of how much time we spent 
searching for new information about Prince, looking for bootlegs, 
listening to our library of Prince and Prince related music, or 
posting messages on any of the many Prince related websites, it would 
be obvious that we are all hooked on Prince's music and his 

Don't Hate, Participate :-)

Michael B

Being at a show that starts at 7:30am at 12am is extreme in my head.
Especially when your by yourself and everyone else strolls up at 5 or 6am
rested and ready to party. But you know what? To Each There Own I guess...

On May 11, 2006, at 11:45 AM, Revelationsunshine wrote:

> **Oh yeah! The warped desire to be up front. If your Tonia you will
>> probably be there starting Ummm now! [LMAO!].**
> I hope you realize that joke is old and played now.
> Tonia
> > it, but
> when I talk to other fans about shows its always mentioned. They 
> always
> mention the lady with glasses that was in front X venue. Your a 
> legend in
> the Prince community. I am not being sarscastic. It's something of 
> lore "the lady with the glasses in the front of the line".
> You shouldn't be embarrased about it.
> but if it bothers I will not make that joke on the list out respect to
> you. -Derek>

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