Basically he can offer space for advertisements to offset the cost of
some things while providing a more substantial content to keep people
coming back in. and maybe a monthly fee like 9.99 a month for
membership. And for gods sake offer some of the music he has in his
vault that hasn't been released at all for downloads.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: NPNY: Happy 4th? - Re: Music Club Hiatus

Even I, a person with pretty much no entreprenurial sense whatsoever,
knew that the $25 membership was a bad long-term business move. Sadly,
those new to the Prince way of thinking probably believed that
"lifetime" meant THEIR lifetime, not the lifetime of his attentian span.

I do think if he offered more than just concert tickets, overpriced
merchandise and token bits and pieces of music and video hardcore fans
could have kept the site alive and profitable for him.

Oh well. I will definately miss the access to tickets, but I am hopeful
at least that will come back. And maybe if he charges a reasonable
yearly fee all of us tried and true fans will still have that access
without the clutter of those who arrived during Musicology and went just
as fast.

I also have to say, this is so Prince: Win awards and recognition, then,
in essence, say "<Yawn>, what's next?"


-------------- Original message --------------

> From a business perspective that $25 "lifetime" membership was a
> financial model from the very start--in order for the club to make
money it
> depended on a constant addition of NEW members, while the existing
> probably wore out their profitability in terms of bandwidth, etc.
after the
> first year.

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