Oh! I can hear Columbia doing Morris' "That cricket is working my last  
nerve" speech from Graffiti Bridge!
Friggin Prince lol
In a message dated 7/4/07 10:06:31 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

Columbia  is not happy because it damages the relationship they have with
their  retailers in England, so just the UK branch of SONY BMG pulled
because their retailers were upset.

Columbia overall is  probably still miffed because apparently this deal was
in the works before  he got into talks with them, and it's unclear whether
they knew it or  not.  I'm sure Columbia hoped to make a lot of money
servicing retail  outlets in the UK on the back of Prince's 21 night run.
The biggest  marketing opportunity locally in the UK and his move undercuts
that by  already saturating the market and side-stepping their distribution
outlets  by using his own (a newspaper & concert).

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