There's one in Queens! :-) He must be getting a great advance from
them. Christina Ag released an album exclusively through Target late
last year - no one bought it. Guns N Roses did Best Buy, with so-so
results. Walmart has been successful with Bruce Springsteen, AC/DC,
etc, but it's been rumored that part of their deal is that Walmart
buys a few thousand copies in the first week to help boost sales. I
know there are other factors with those albums, but a Target exclusive
is pretty much going to guarantee Prince less album sales (obviously).

Besides that, I'm excited to get all of the new music at once! I think
that's a huge plus. And the $12 price. GREAT! Smart, too.


<Moderaator: Brilliant because the Bria's album is a throwaway album. Nobody
would of normally purchased it anyway. We don't know who she is and most of
us don't care. He has done little promote her or create a relationship with
his fans. Major misstep on his part. So she will make an easy 100,000 units
from the handful Prince of fans left and disappear into obscurity like most
Prince protégés  -Derek>

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Sumeet Music <> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: TA <>
> Date: Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:12 AM
> Subject: NPNY: Prince Signs Deal With Target
> To:

> <Moderator: Yup posted that last night. Considering there is no Target
> stores in New York City, I wonder who is doing the fulfillment for his
> website. I am afraid to order anything directly from Prince anymore. I
> I will have to order it form Target's website or got White Plains Target.
> -Derek>

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