Prince's death would have as much impact on his fans as MJ's death. If it doesn't it will more than likely be because Prince will have died of old age. Beyond the fans; the rest of the world will take notice and move on. There won't be this annoying over coverage like MJ's death because there probably won't be any controversy to report I'm sure.

"Today Prince died of natural causes. Considered by many to be a musical genius. And since we can't turn his death into a media circus; let's see what Madonna is up to"

Can you tell I've had enough of hearing bout MJ's death.  :)

As for Prince destroying his fan base. Perhaps. But the last time I checked this was still a list where we discuss Prince no? Yes a lot of us will bitch and moan; but point us in the direction of some new (or unreleased) Prince tracks and we'll lap it up :)

BTW if MJ's death has done anything, it's made me appreciate that regardless how much of an ass Prince can be sometimes; he hasn't made of mess of things and is still putting out music this late in the game. (knock on wood) Who would have thunk it? :)


<Moderator: I was thinking more in line of what if it was Prince and not MJ.
If he dies at the age. At the age of 80-90 maybe the world will learn to
appreciate his genius. That is if the has pissed off the 150,000 left that
still buy his new albums.
Btw. Not really much Prince talk going on there. Membership is pretty low. I
don't recall the last time we had a new subscriber. It took you a week to
reply :-D -Derek>

Lockhart, Daryle [GSM] wrote:
Interviews all day!!

<Moderator: I don't think the death of Prince would have that big of an
impact as Michael Jackson's did. MJ started as a child star. We watched
grow up and become whatever he became. His music was a lot more accessible
and he legitimately cared what he fans thought.
Prince the other hand doesn't care about you and would sue to prove
point in his personal vendetta against the internet. He has done
humanly possible to destroy his fan base.

I should write an article one day about subject one day. Maybe when he too
passes on.  -Derek>

On Jul 15, 2009, at 3:57 PM, wrote:

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