National Post School Outcome Data Community of Practice

NYS will proceed with indicator 14 interviews this year using our existing 

>> Jane Falls <> 4/16/2009 12:59 PM >>>
Greetings colleagues,

We are working with OSEP on an Indicator 14 FAQ re changes in the
Measurement Table and hope to share it at the Secondary Transition Institute
May 12-14, 2009 in Charlotte, NC. We will, of course, share it with this
list as well. Soon after we complete the FAQ, we will revise our Survey

As you know states are not required to report on Indicator 14 for FFY 2008
due February 1, 2010. Options for this year include:
* Collect and report Indicator 14 data this year consistent with the
previous requirements
* Collect and report Indicator 14 data consistent with the new requirements
* Not collect or report the data this year, make needed changes, and start
new data collection for the students leaving school during the 2008-09
school year. 

Regardless of what your state chooses, we encourage you to be continue
getting contact information on students leaving school this 2008-2009 school
year and letting these students and families know they will be contacted.
This will be the first cohort for whom you will collect the one year out
data using the new Indicator measure. We encourage you to check, use, and
adapt the Student and Parent Flyers we prepared in collaboration with PACER.
These are on our website at 

States are asking what others plan to do this year. We would love to hear
from you about what your state is doing! And as always, feel free to contact
us! Jane

Jane Falls, Coordinator
National Post-School Outcomes Center
1268 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1268

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