On Monday 10 April 2006 01:14, you wrote:
> I don't think so,
> the best way to practice this, is to create a user with low privilages to
> only a subdirectory in FS, an then install NS-2. if it tries to access
> something that it doesn't have permission to, it will let you know,

Thanks for your opinion, my doubts arise by the fact I previously installed 
succesfully ns under fedora core 4 (after applying a gcc4 patch) and I had no 
Since I had to upgrade my system, I had to install ns again, but without any 
success. So I was afraid something went wrong about the system's stability 
(due to tcl/tk packages included in ns-allinone and yet present on the 
system). But it seems to be fine, since I think files remain within the 
ns-allinone directory if the install process will not procede succesfully.

> yet again, I don't think if it conflicts with anything else, I leave the
> practice / risk to you,

Yes, don't worry :)
I'll search informations about ns installing under fedora 5, hoping all will 
go fine.

> Sasan

Thanks a lot.
Best regards.

> > Hi to all,
> > I wish to know if in a wrongly built installation of ns-allinone, the
> > extracted files may conflicts with other system's files. In few words,
> > may during the installation process some or more files are spreaded over
> > the system's directory structure?
> > I was afraid of a wrongly built installation was spreading files over the
> > system and I can't recognize them.
> >
> > PS: Another little question (I'll may open a new thread):
> > Someone of you had install ns-allinone over a Fedora Core 5 system?
> > Thanks a lot.
> >
> > Regards,

Salvatore La Bua - www.shogoki.it
Computer Science Graduate Student
University of Palermo  -  [Italy]
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