
I trying to executed a simulation of Prophet routing protocol from
http://www.sm.luth.se/~dugdale/index/software.shtml. So I need to install
ns-allinone-2.1b8a.tar.gz ... after I apply the patch over this version
patch -p0 < pcf_support-2.1b8.patch, I excecuted the install script but
does not work maybe someone have experience with this can help me thanks.


* Build tcl8.3.2

checking for gethostbyname... yes
checking if 64bit support is requested... no
checking if 64bit Sparc VIS support is requested... no
checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ./configure: line 5718:
syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./configure: line 5718: `       OSF*)'
tcl8.3.2 configuration failed! Exiting ...
Tcl is not part of the ns project.  Please see www.Scriptics.com
to see if they have a fix for your platform.


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