hi there,
i'm using this patch, and when i installed it i just followed the 10 indicated 
steps and it worked properly. The first time i tried to do this i got some 
problems and it didn't work, but it was something that i missed... as for me, 
i'm not using ns-2.30, it's ns-allinone-2.28 that i'm using.
  my problems were after i implemented an admission control algorithm, i 
couldn't include any header file to the application(including the header files 
i've never changed), donnow why, i tried to avoid the problem...until now i'm 
in a deep shit...
  hope it will work for u 2 ...
  good luck
Sim Tec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sincerely thanks for the responce Sven.

I still have the same error.
I set up the tcl/lan/ns-mac.tcl as follows:

if [TclObject is-class Mac/802_11e] {
Mac/802_11e set delay_ 64us
Mac/802_11e set ifs_ 16us
Mac/802_11e set slotTime_ 16us
Mac/802_11e set cwmin_ 16
Mac/802_11e set cwmax_ 1024
Mac/802_11e set rtxLimit_ 16
Mac/802_11e set bssId_ -1
Mac/802_11e set sifs_ 8us
Mac/802_11e set pifs_ 12us
Mac/802_11e set difs_ 16us
Mac/802_11e set rtxAckLimit_ 1
Mac/802_11e set rtxRtsLimit_ 3
Mac/802_11e set basicRate_ 1Mb ;# set this to 0 if want to use bandwidth_
Mac/802_11e set dataRate_ 1Mb ;# both control and data pkts
Mac/802_11e set cfb_ 0 ;# disables CFB

Should I follow these steps, step 7 seems to be very problematic

7. mac/wireless-phy.h:
enum ChannelStatus {IDLE, RECV, SEND};
enum ChannelStatus {IDLE, RECVING, SENDING};
replace all occurences of RECV and SEND (by RECVING and SENDING).

8. common/packet.h:
#define HDR_MAC802_11E(p) ((hdr_mac802_11e *)hdr_mac::access(p))

9. run ./configure; make clean; make depend; make in your ns directory

10. happy simulating :o) (e.g with the example script

Sincere thanks and regards.

On 6/11/07, Sven Wiethoelter wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2007, at 8:05 AM, Sim Tec wrote:
> >
> > Hello I am simulating with 802.11e and would love to use TKN
> >
> > I have the exact same problem that many people have had, but there
> > is no
> > solution posted for it.
> >
> Hi, the solution is always the same: Check your changes in the tcl
> files ;-) (see further below)
> > -In return, here is the Best website for NS-2 that I have found
> > on the
> > Internet. It is a very recent website also.
> > http://academic.csuohio.edu/yuc/mobile07/
> >
> > i am trying to apply the 802.11e patch for EDCA from TKN Berlin named
> > 'EDCA_ns-2_28-v1-0-1.tgz' on ns-2.30.
> > i have followed all the steps
> > given in the README, but in vein..i am getting error when i run the
> > sample tcl script named "edca_multi_udpflows.tcl" provided in the
> > package. I tried another wireless scripts using the command "set val
> > (mac) Mac/802_11e" to get the following error --->
> >
> > invalid command name "Mac/802_11e"
> > while executing
> > "Mac/802_11e create _o54 "
> > invoked from within
> > "catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
> > invoked from within
> > "if [catch "$className create $o $args" msg] {
> > if [string match "__FAILED_SHADOW_OBJECT_" $msg] {
> > delete $o
> > return ""
> > }
> > global errorInfo
> > error "class $..."
> > (procedure "new" line 3)
> > invoked from within
> > "new $mactype"
> > (procedure "_o44" line 10)
> > (Node/MobileNode add-interface line 10)
> > invoked from within
> > "$node add-interface $chan $propInstance_ $llType_ $macType_
> > $ifqType_ $ifqlen_ $phyType_ $antType_ $topoInstance_ $inerrProc_
> > $outerrProc_ $FECProc_"
> > (procedure "_o3" line 66)
> > (Simulator create-wireless-node line 66)
> > invoked from within
> > "_o3 create-wireless-node 1.0.0"
> > ("eval" body line 1)
> > invoked from within
> > "eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
> > (procedure "_o3" line 14)
> > (Simulator node line 14)
> > invoked from within
> > "$ns node 1.0.0"
> > invoked from within
> > "set BS(0) [$ns node 1.0.0]"
> > (file "edca_multi_udpflows.tcl" line 92)
> >
> > initially I thought that i might have made mistake in make & the
> > object file for mac-802_11e may not have been created, but when i
> > checked the mac directory the object files corresponding to all the
> > .cc scripts in the patch were present..
> >
> This relates to C++ stuff only. Tcl code is not compiled by "make".
> Thus, a successful "make" is not an indication that the Tcl stuff is
> correct, too.
> > what shall i do?
> >
> Check all your tcl settings.
> I guess that step 6 of the readme has not been applied properly:
> 6. add to tcl/lan/ns-mac.tcl:
> if [TclObject is-class Mac/802_11e] {
> ...
> copy settings of MAC/802.11
> (which are contained in this file) into this section
> and at an "e" at the end of the "Mac/802_11" terms
> ...
> Mac/802_11e set cfb_ 0 ;# disables CFB
> }
> Best regards,
> Sven
> > please someone
> > help.."
> >
> > Can you please tell me how you overcame this, as I have the exact same
> > problem.
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > Enjoy, and regards from Ireland.
> >
> >

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