About the awk script for calculate jitter and the awk script for calculate 
throughput is true( notice the first part )
   # Trace line format: normal(for old trace)
 if ($2 != "-t") {
  event = $1
  time = $2
  if (event == "+" || event == "-") node_id = $3
  if (event == "r" || event == "d") node_id = $4
  flow_id = $8
  pkt_id = $12
  pkt_size = $6
  flow_t = $5
  level = "AGT"

  About the awk that calculate Packet Delivery Fraction , Normalize routing 
load, End to End delay and drop packets and Routing Load(overhead) its valid 
for new trace only. So you can modify the parameters used in the awk script 
only or when there ia available time I will modfy it for you.
  Lastly I advice you to use new trace format using TCL command in your TCL 
file :
  $ns_ use-newtrace 
  you will get the trace file in new fashion
  Mohammed AbuHajar
Sofia Iqbal Khanzada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Thakyou for earliest 
prompt. The given script is for new trace file format and also generating error 
with new trace file format 
  FNR=760166) fatal: divi sion by zero attempted 
  But my trace files are of old format i-e 
  DSR format 

M 0.0 nn 50 x 1000 y 1000 rp DSR 
M 0.0 sc 
 cp ~/ns-allinone-2.30/ns-2.30/tcl/mobility/scene/TCP-NewReno-TrafficFile seed 
M 0.0 prop Propagation/TwoRayGround ant Antenna/OmniAntenna 
Sconfig 0.00000 tap: on snoop: rts? on errs? on 
Sconfig 0.00000 salvage: on !bd replies? on 
Sconfig 0.00000 grat error: on grat reply: on 
Sconfig 0.00000 $reply for props: on ring 0 search: on 
Sconfig 0.00000 using MOBICACHE 
M 0.00000 0 (313.64, 43.50, 0.00), (442.09, 926.57), 2.00 
M 0.00000 1 (970.07, 601.01, 0.00), (720.90, 277.89), 2.00 
M 0.00000 2 (354.37, 386.19, 0.00), (997.43, 797.71), 2.00 
M 0.00000 3 (161.48, 218.16, 0.00), (447.07, 813.34), 2.00 
M 0.00000 4 (988.06, 330.81, 0.00), (727.83, 911.39), 2.00 
M 0.00000 5 (339.30, 958.75, 0.00), (149.38, 412.51), 2.00 
M 0.00000 6 (253.38, 61.00, 0.00), (715.89, 31.36), 2.00 
M 0.00000 7 (86.21, 619.90, 0.00), (734.28, 690.18), 2.00 
M 0.00000 8 (822.74, 970.59, 0.00), (289.19, 505.51), 2.00 
s 2.556838879 _1_ AGT  --- 0 tcp 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:0 2:0 32 0] [0 0] 0 4 
r 2.556838879 _1_ RTR  --- 0 tcp 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:0 2:0 32 0] [0 0] 0 4 
s 2.557152010 _1_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 0] 1 [1 
1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0] 
r 2.557964124 _28_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 
0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0] 
r 2.557964384 _22_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 
0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0] 
r 2.557964432 _34_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 
0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0] 
r 2.557964491 _15_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 
0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0] 
r 2.557964595 _25_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 
0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0] 
r 2.557964635 _11_ RTR  --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 
0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
  I need script for these files L I have spent around 2 months for simulating 
720 files L 
  I ‘ll be grateful to you for ur kind support.
  Thanks & Regards,
  From: Mohammed Abu Hajar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 12:38 PM
To: Sofia Iqbal Khanzada
Cc: NS_2 Mailing List
Subject: Re: [ns] Require Awk script for Old Trace Format File

   Tools and Scripts for Getting Results
          AWK script to measure send, receive, routing and drop packets. Packet 
delivery ratio, routing overhead, normalize routing load, average end to end 

       highest_packet_id =0;
  time = $3;
  packet_id = $41;
  if (( $1 == "s") &&  ( $35 == "cbr" ) && ( $19=="AGT" )) {  sends++; }
  if (( $1 == "r") &&  ( $35 == "cbr" ) && ( $19=="AGT" ))   {  recvs++; }
  if ( start_time[packet_id] == 0 )  start_time[packet_id] = time;
  if (( $1 == "r") &&  ( $35 == "cbr" ) && ( $19=="AGT" )) {  
end_time[packet_id] = time;  }
       else {  end_time[packet_id] = -1;  }
  if (($1 == "s" || $1 == "f") && $19 == "RTR" && $35 =="DSR") 
  if (( $1 == "d" ) && ( $35 == "cbr" )  && ( $3 > 0 ))
       #find the number of packets in the simulation
          if (packet_id > highest_packet_id)
             highest_packet_id = packet_id;
  END {
  for ( i in end_time )
  start = start_time[i];
  end = end_time[i];
  packet_duration = end - start;
  if ( packet_duration > 0 )  
  {    sum += packet_duration;
     NRL = routing_packets/recvs;  #normalized routing load 
     PDF = (recvs/sends)*100;  #packet delivery ratio[fraction]
     printf("send = %.2f\n",sends);
     printf("recv = %.2f\n",recvs);
     printf("routingpkts = %.2f\n",routing_packets++);
     printf("PDF = %.2f\n",PDF);
     printf("NRL = %.2f\n",NRL);
     printf("Average e-e delay(ms)= %.2f\n",delay*1000);
     printf("No. of dropped data (packets) = %d\n",droppedPackets);
     printf("No. of dropped data (bytes)   = %d\n",droppedBytes);

          AWK script for calculate the throughput

       recvdSize = 0
       startTime = 1e6
       stopTime = 0
       # Trace line format: normal
       if ($2 != "-t") {
             event = $1
             time = $2
             if (event == "+" || event == "-") node_id = $3
             if (event == "r" || event == "d") node_id = $4
             flow_id = $8
             pkt_id = $12
             pkt_size = $6
             flow_t = $5
             level = "AGT"
       # Trace line format: new
       if ($2 == "-t") {
             event = $1
             time = $3
             node_id = $5
             flow_id = $39
             pkt_id = $41
             pkt_size = $37
             flow_t = $45
             level = $19
  # Store start time
  if (level == "AGT" && (event == "+" || event == "s") && pkt_size >= 512) {
    if (time < startTime) {
             startTime = time
  # Update total received packets' size and store packets arrival time
  if (level == "AGT" && event == "r" && pkt_size >= 512) {
       if (time > stopTime) {
             stopTime = time
       # Rip off the header
       hdr_size = pkt_size % 512
       pkt_size -= hdr_size
       # Store received packet's size
       recvdSize += pkt_size
  END {
       printf("Average Throughput[kbps] = %.2f\t\t 







          AWK script for compute delay jitter

       # Trace line format: normal
       if ($2 != "-t") {
             event = $1
             time = $2
             if (event == "+" || event == "-") node_id = $3
             if (event == "r" || event == "d") node_id = $4
             flow_id = $8
             pkt_id = $12
             pkt_size = $6
             flow_t = $5
             level = "AGT"
       # Trace line format: new
       if ($2 == "-t") {
             event = $1
             time = $3
             node_id = $5
             flow_id = $39
             pkt_id = $41
             pkt_size = $37
             flow_t = $45
             level = $19
  # Store packets send time
  if (level == "AGT" && sendTime[pkt_id] == 0 && (event == "+" || event == "s") 
&& pkt_size >= 512) {
       sendTime[pkt_id] = time
  # Store packets arrival time
  if (level == "AGT" && event == "r" && pkt_size >= 512) {
             recvTime[pkt_id] = time
  END {
       # Compute average jitter
       jitter1 = jitter2 = tmp_recv = 0
       prev_time = delay = prev_delay = processed = 0
       prev_delay = -1
       for (i=0; processed<num_recv; i++) {
             if(recvTime[i] != 0) {
                  if(prev_time != 0) {
                       delay = recvTime[i] - prev_time
                       e2eDelay = recvTime[i] - sendTime[i]
                       if(delay < 0) delay = 0
                       if(prev_delay != -1) {
                       jitter1 += abs(e2eDelay - prev_e2eDelay)
                       jitter2 += abs(delay-prev_delay)
                       prev_delay = delay
                       prev_e2eDelay = e2eDelay
                  prev_time = recvTime[i]
  END {
         printf("Jitter1 = %.2f\n",jitter1*1000/tmp_recv);
         printf("Jitter2 = %.2f\n",jitter2*1000/tmp_recv);
  function abs(value) {
       if (value < 0) value = 0-value
       return value

Mohammed AbuHajar

ns user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


I have simulated AODV, DSDV and DSR with TCP variants Reno, NewReno and
Vegas. now i have trace file with the following format (DSDV format) the
format is old 

M 0.0 nn 50 x 1000 y 1000 rp DSDV
M 0.0 sc
cp ~/ns-allinone-2.30/ns-2.30/tcl/mobility/scene/TCP-Reno-TrafficFile seed
1.0 M 0.0 prop Propagation/TwoRayGround ant Antenna/OmniAntenna M 0.00000 0
(108.79, 121.80, 0.00), (477.54, 277.38), 2.00 M 0.00000 1 (661.65, 886.95,
0.00), (610.30, 510.36), 2.00 M 0.00000 2 (441.88, 557.58, 0.00), (35.61,
684.55), 2.00 M 0.00000 3 (681.72, 645.08, 0.00), (891.98, 394.46), 2.00 M
0.00000 4 (550.56, 836.00, 0.00), (570.78, 98.00), 2.00 r 50.783030204 _41_
RTR --- 5168 ack 60 [13a 29 9 800] ------- [9:0 7:2 32 41] [66 0] 1 2 f
50.783030204 _41_ RTR --- 5168 ack 60 [13a 29 9 800] ------- [9:0 7:2 31 7]
[66 0] 1 2 r 50.785107893 _7_ AGT --- 5423 ack 60 [13a 7 8 800] -------
[8:0 7:1 32 7] [547 0] 1 1 s 50.785107893 _7_ AGT --- 5463 tcp 1064 [0 0 0
0] ------- [7:1 8:0 32 0] [562 0] 0 1 r 50.785107893 _7_ RTR --- 5463 tcp
1064 [0 0 0 0] ------- [7:1 8:0 32 0] [562 0] 0 1 s 50.785107893 _7_ RTR 
--- 5463 tcp 1084 [0 0 0 0] ------- [7:1 8:0 32 8] [562 0] 0 1 r
50.795417368 _8_ AGT --- 5438 tcp 1084 [13a 8 7 800] ------- [7:1 8:0 32 8]
[557 0] 1 1 s 50.795417368 _8_ AGT --- 5464 ack 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [8:0
7:1 32 0] [557 0] 0 1 r 50.795417368 _8_ RTR --- 5464 ack 40 [0 0 0 0]
------- [8:0 7:1 32 0] [557 0] 0 1 s 50.795417368 _8_ RTR --- 5464 ack 60
[0 0 0 0] ------- [8:0 7:1 32 7] [557 0] 0 1 r 50.805667684 _9_ AGT ---
5428 tcp 1084 [13a 9 8 800] ------- [8:1 9:1 32 9] [963 0] 1 1 s
50.805667684 _9_ AGT --- 5465 ack 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [9:1 8:1 32 0] [963
0] 0 1 r 50.805667684 _9_ RTR --- 5465 ack 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [9:1 8:1 32
0] [963 0] 0 1 s 50.805667684 _9_ RTR --- 5465 ack 60 [0 0 0 0] -------
[9:1 8:1 32 8] [963 0] 0 1 r 50.807705921 _41_ RTR --- 5179 ack 60 [13a 29
9 800] ------- [9:0 7:2 32 41] [67 0] 1 2 f 50.807705921 _41_ RTR --- 5179
ack 60 [13a 29 9 800] ------- [9:0 7:2 31 7] [67 0] 1 2

DSR format

M 0.0 nn 50 x 1000 y 1000 rp DSR
M 0.0 sc
cp ~/ns-allinone-2.30/ns-2.30/tcl/mobility/scene/TCP-NewReno-TrafficFile
seed 1.0
M 0.0 prop Propagation/TwoRayGround ant Antenna/OmniAntenna
Sconfig 0.00000 tap: on snoop: rts? on errs? on
Sconfig 0.00000 salvage: on !bd replies? on
Sconfig 0.00000 grat error: on grat reply: on
Sconfig 0.00000 $reply for props: on ring 0 search: on
Sconfig 0.00000 using MOBICACHE
M 0.00000 0 (313.64, 43.50, 0.00), (442.09, 926.57), 2.00
M 0.00000 1 (970.07, 601.01, 0.00), (720.90, 277.89), 2.00
M 0.00000 2 (354.37, 386.19, 0.00), (997.43, 797.71), 2.00
M 0.00000 3 (161.48, 218.16, 0.00), (447.07, 813.34), 2.00
M 0.00000 4 (988.06, 330.81, 0.00), (727.83, 911.39), 2.00
M 0.00000 5 (339.30, 958.75, 0.00), (149.38, 412.51), 2.00
M 0.00000 6 (253.38, 61.00, 0.00), (715.89, 31.36), 2.00
M 0.00000 7 (86.21, 619.90, 0.00), (734.28, 690.18), 2.00
M 0.00000 8 (822.74, 970.59, 0.00), (289.19, 505.51), 2.00
s 2.556838879 _1_ AGT --- 0 tcp 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:0 2:0 32 0] [0 0] 0
r 2.556838879 _1_ RTR --- 0 tcp 40 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:0 2:0 32 0] [0 0] 0
s 2.557152010 _1_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:255 2:255 32 0] 1
[1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 2.557964124 _28_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255
32 0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 2.557964384 _22_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255
32 0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 2.557964432 _34_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255
32 0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 2.557964491 _15_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255
32 0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 2.557964595 _25_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255
32 0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]
r 2.557964635 _11_ RTR --- 1 DSR 32 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 2:255
32 0] 1 [1 1] [0 1 0 0->0] [0 0 0 0->0]

now i need an awk script to calculate TCP parameters throughput , paket
delivery ratio ... etc 

Please help me in this regard i'll be thankful to you 

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