
I'm writing on behalf of MIRACLE developers, it should be useful for
us to have more information about the scenario you want to simulate,
for istance it's clear what you mean with multi-hopping in umts.
Also, we would like to note that, our version of umts is develepoed as
a dynamic library, so we can not guarantee that GPRS patch works
simultaneously with our UMTS library since they are not developed to
work together. You should port the GPRS code under MIRACLE framework
(as we did for eurane UMTS patch).
Let us know.

Best regards,
Marco Miozzo.

> On 17 Sep 2007 13:58:33 -0000, harpreet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > hi
> > i searched the internet and i find Multi-InteRfAce Cross-Layer Extension 
> > library for the Network Simulator. its written on there website that In 
> > this release, in addition to MIRACLE library, it is included a set of 
> > libraries to simulate wireless system networks, in detail:
> >
> >
> > Traffic generators
> >
> > TCP Agents
> >
> > IP modules
> >
> > IEEE802.11 (both the one from standard ns distribution and Multirate)
> > MPhy, a general physical layer module in which interference of
> > in-flight packets is evaluated using a Gaussian Model, and an enhanced
> > propagation model is provided (fading with Jakes Simulator, shadowing
> > with Gudmonson model and path loss with Hata model)
> >
> > UMTS: Link layer is derived from eurane extension [3]
> > Physical layer is develpoed exteding Mphy
> > Link and Wireless Channel
> > physical mobility models (standard and Gauss Markov mobility model)
> >
> > i wann know anybody used umts in this extension.. i got really bad 
> > experience with eurane patch for umts..
> > please share if you got any info.
> > thanks in advance
> >

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