you can refer to the file mac/, including a function 
--WirelessPhy::sendUp(Packet *p)  in which there are a few lines as follows:
  s.stamp((MobileNode*)node(), ant_, 0, lambda_);
  Pr = propagation_->Pr(&p->txinfo_, &s, this);
 /******my code*****/
   struct hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
  fprintf(fp,"%f %d->%d[%d->%d] %e=====%s\n",Scheduler::instance().clock(),
   Pr<CSThresh_ ? "detect fail": ((Pr<RXThresh_ ? "recv error" : "success 
      The receiver calculate the power with which the packet are received  
according to the attenuation algorithm in ns2 simulator, so the @Pr = 
propagation_->Pr(&p->txinfo_, &s, this);@
 maybe help us to judge the sender's signal strength influenced by the sender's 
hardware and software environment.
     You could tell me if you had a better resolution.

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