Okay, the example I found didn't use output_close, instead it had what seemed 
to be a form-level event handler of the 'OkClick' event, which definitely seems 
to be a good way of doing it. (Before I found the example, I was wondering how 
to keep track of which screen you were on when output_close was triggered.)

Here's a sample OkClick event. This dialog screen, paytypes, is used to manage 
and setup one of the expense classes that are needed in order to use the main 
entry to actually create an expense record.

Sub paytypes_OKClick()
    If List1p.ListCount < 1 Then
        MsgBox "You must have at least one payment type before you continue!", 
vbExclamation, "Usage error"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

--- In nsbasic...@yahoogroups.com, "chris_kenworthy" <chrisk...@...> wrote:
> I don't have the example to hand, but you can do this with output_close.
> "Documentation Changes for Version 6.0.4 
> Output_Close: (Pocket PC) This event is sent to a program if ShowOKButton = 
> True. You can do normal processing here, including MsgBox statements. The 
> program will not actually exit unless you have a Bye statement in the 
> subroutine. (Note that is a change from previous versions). If ShowOKButton = 
> True and you do not have an Output_Close subroutine, the program will exit. 
> If ShowOKButton = False, the operation will be as always: the program will 
> keep running, but the next program in the hierarchy will appear on the 
> screen. "
> Will provide more detail when I can find the source code for my program with 
> ok button closing dialogs.
> --- In nsbasic...@yahoogroups.com, "michiman56" <rriemersma@> wrote:
> >
> > While the behavior when using "ShowOKButton True" is useful and welcome for 
> > many applications, it seems to deviate quite far from the OK button's 
> > intended purpose.
> > 
> > Is there any technique that can be used to modify this behavior back to the 
> > expected "OK this dialog" functionality?
> > 
> > I wouldn't want the [X]-button (minimize) action, but rather some event I 
> > can handle that would tell my code it can close/hide the current "dialog" 
> > form and return to a main form.
> > 
> > Thanks for any ideas.
> > 
> > Bob
> >

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