NSB/CE version 8.1.2a

I am having problems catching the OnClick event in certain 
"NSBasic.comctl.ListView.1" controls.  I have one where I can never catch the 
event in the OnClick handler:

Sub lvwServNav_OnClick(oEvent)
    MsgBox "Click"
End Sub

I do have a number of added ListItems.  Clicking on an Item does cause the item 
to be selected (visible highlight set on).  This listview control is in Report 

In the very same program I have another Form that is mostly clear of controls.  
Adding another NSListView and an OnClick handler there works fine!

Using menu actions I can move from one Form to the other and back.  The 
"important" one (lvwServNav) never works, while the dummy test one 
(NSListView1) always does.  Both are added via AddObject, and I have verified 
they're being added to the Form they "belong to" (verified the AddObject 
"parent" parameter).

I have gone over my typing many times and I don't think I'm spelling the event 
handler routine wrong.  I've even commented out the settings for various 
properties such as HideColumnHeaders, MultiSelect, FullRowSelect, etc.

Are there some conditions that I have missed that could cause the event not to 
fire?  Is there a trick I missed in naming the event handler properly (I can't 
see anything I missed)?

Other events on this Form such as LabelX_Click and ListBoxX_Click are being 
fired and handled as expected.

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