
Even worse, it looks like the return from these API calls is a pointer to a 
Struct allocated by the system.  This means you'd need some way to do a 
"CopyMemory" API call or equivalent to get at the requested data.

I'm not aware of any way to do such a thing from NSB/CE since there is no way I 
know of to do something like VB6's VarPtr() call.  Am I missing something more 
experienced programmers would use to accomplish this?

Is there something in the "toolkit" of libraries to help accomplish this?


--- In nsbasic-ce@yahoogroups.com, "michiman56" <rriemer...@...> wrote:
> In order to identify a flash memory card when using newObjects' 
> SFMain.OpenDirectory() it appears you must examine the name of each returned 
> directory/storage (in the contents collection) in order to know that you're 
> dealing with a "Storage Card."
> SFInfo.Type only returns storage (directory) vs. stream (file).
> The names can vary with localization as well as the vendor's choice of how 
> flash devices get named (could be "CF Card" or almost anything I suppose).  
> So it looks like you must use some clunky API calls to get the name (1 card) 
> or names (multiple cards):
> FindFirstFlashCard(), FindNextFlashCard().
> Is this true or is there another way?

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