If you can't get details of NS pipers in New York from the members address book
you might want to try the Mudcat site below.  I suggest post a query on it
You might also try the session websiste
Good luck
Now I'm off to Turin next week - anyone know of any NSP there/ ;-)

From: julian templeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 25/11/2005 12:02
To: nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [NSP] Travelling...

A couple of questions for the list, arising from the
fact that I'm probably going to be working in New York
for eight weeks or so in the new year...

Firstly, is there anyone on the list living in -- or
within easy reach of -- New York?? I'm planning to
take the pipes with me to while away the evenings, and
it would be nice to make contact with anyone in the

And secondly... what would people recommend as a
decent travelling case? The one that came with the
Burleigh set doesn't strike me as particularly suited
to the rigors of air travel, especially if some
delightful airline person decides they have to be
checked in! I've heard that an alto sax case would do,
and I can probably get one of those fairly cheaply.



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