Hi all,

There are many tunes in our repertoire which are both airs to songs and pipe tunes in their own right. This duality is often the result of a borrowing (Reiving) mechanism. which occasionally involves a key change.

I have a great admiration for Highland Piping and I think our traditions have a symbiotic relationship. Occasionally, I react strongly to 'Jocks in Frocks' telling us how piping should be, but in this particular case I think we should look to the 'official' (military?) Scottish version and publish that.( stripping all the grace notes). This is a funereal tune; Northumbrian pipers occasionally have to deputise when Highland pipers are not available; and the those who pay the piper call the tune. The same is true of Highland Cathedral.

Where such contrasting versions exist, I think NPS publications should include information on the choice of version as footnotes on the page, rather than hidden away at the back of the book. I like publications which indicate the history of the tune I am playing.

Although this publication is on general release, I believe its primary purpose is to assist players of the Northumbrian Smallpipes, particularly Society members. The NPS is an adult society and its members well able to make an informed decisions given appropriate background information.


Dear all

More opinions sought on tunes in the second NPS tunebook. This time it's Flowers of the Forest. Yes, I know. There are myriad versions "out there", including an article in the last NPS magazine.
 The one in the current tunebook is not thought satisfactory.

My personal version I've obviously picked up from Ray Fisher's "Traditional Songs of Scotland" CD:

T:Flowers of the Forest
A3 A2 B|A2 B d2 e/f/|g2 f e2 d|B d2 B>AG|\
A3 A2 B|A2 B d>ef/g/ |f3 e2 d|d3-d2||*
e/d/|=c3 c2 d|B/A/-A2 A3|f3 e2 d|B d2 B>AG|\
A3 A2 B|A2 B d>ef/g/ |f3 e2 d|d3-d2||**

..give or take a few twiddly bits.

I've also got available a 4 part version in 6/8:

T:Flowers of the Forest
A3 A2 B|A B2 d2 e/f/|g2 f e2 d|B d2 A2 F|\
A3 A2 B|A B2 d>ef/g/ |f3 e2 d|d3-d3||*
=c3 c>e d/c/|B2 A B d2|A f2 e2 d|B d2 A2 B|\
=c3 c>e d/c/|B2 A B d2|A f2 e2 d|d3-d3||*
f a2 a2 a|b2 a g2 f|g2 f e2 d|B d2 A3|\
f a2 a2 a|b2 a g2 f|(4egfe e2 d|d3-d3|\
f a2 a2 a|b2 a g2 f|g2 f e2 d|B d2 A3|\
A3 A2 B|A B2 d>ef/g/ |f3 e2 d|d3-d3||**

and the same thing, but in 4/4:

T:Flowers of the Forest
A4 A3 B|A B3 d2 ef|g2 f2 e2 d2|B d3 A3 F|\
A4 A3 B|A B3 d2 (3efg |f4 e3 d|d4-d4||*
=c4 cedc|B3 A B3 d|A f3 e3 d|B d3 A3 B|\
=c4 cedc|B3 A B3 d|A f3 e3 d|d4-d4||*
f a3 a3 a|b2 a2 g2 f2|g2 f2 e2 d2|B d3 A4|\
f a3 a3 a|b2 a2 g2 f2|egfe e3 d|d4-d4|\
f a3 a3 a|b2 a2 g2 f2|g2 f2 e2 d2|B d3 A4|\
A4 A3 B|A B3 d2 (3efg |f4 e3 d|d4-d4||**

I find it difficult to get my head round this last one - I end up playing the 6/8 version.

Does anybody out there have any comments / opinions / contributions?
(bearing in mind this is an nsp book, not aimed at GHB players)

I can supply these as printed out music if abc doesn't do it for you.

All views welcome


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