On 22 Aug 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

> Earliest example of anyone going over the top re plaid I can think of
> was Sir Walter Scott 

It was he who 'orchestrated' George IV's visit to Edinburgh in 1822, 
insisting that all the 'Highland gentlemen' should wear appropriate 
tartan. Most of them had never done so and some couldn't afford to.

That was the first tartan craze. There was another one in (I think) 
the 1840s when Queen Vic got really into Balmoral / John Brown / 
whatever <grin>. Or maybe that was later.

> I think that anyone commenting on 'Choyting' should be a player of the
> open ended chanter of any tradition 

Oy! I reserve the right to comment, even if I don't......

> The use of gracing is a separate issue where economy and good musical
> taste comes ito it and to be aware that gracing for the NSP is not the
> same as for the fiddle,

No, it's not, is it!!   <living dangerously>


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