I suspect we'd not be having this discussion if the revivalists of the
   late 19th and early 20th centuries had gone about their business in the
   right way.  Basically, a bunch of influential upper class twits decided
   that Northumbrian piping needed to be saved, when in fact it was doing
   very nicely, thank you.  By ignoring (wilfully or otherwise) what had
   gone before, and what was going on around them, they inadvertently
   established a new, watered-down approach. They also adopted and
   "Northumbrianised" some of the romantic pseudo-Celtic stuff emanating
   from Morningside and the like. Over time this became accepted as the
   mainstream tradition.  The difficulty now is that people are naturally
   going to be perturbed to be told that they've been barking up the wrong
   tree, rather like if the Pope announced in his Easter message that the
   Jews were right after all.

   Fortunately there's little risk nowadays of a new, influential
   organisation wilfully ignoring the existing tradition and going all
   Celtic, is there?


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