Michael Jackson's THAT strapped for cash???... or just that mean?

What happened to those nice American ladies who wrote it all those years ago, then?


julia....@nspipes.co.uk wrote:
On 16 Jan 2009, julia....@nspipes.co.uk wrote:
<Far too much>

But here's a PS:

"Publishing" includes typesetting more than one copy and handing it round to friends: writing out a copyright tune by hand, copying it by any means and distributing that:course music of any sort: workshops: and so on, and so on. Yes, really - I'm not kidding.

In practice we get away with it, but anyone who does any of these things without specific permission should be aware of what they are doing. One day a litigious composer / copyright holder could come back and get shirty.

And don't copy out Happy Birthday for distribution: people in the States have been prosecuted by the copyright holder (Michael Jackson) for doing just that.

Anyone who *really* needs to know the potential danger areas in Northumbrian music of which I am presently aware is welcome to contact me - offlist.


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