Sorry for the late response. I have been quite distracted by the rest of life
for a while.

The stuff I use is the foam Richard discussed, used for canoe seats and kayak
knee pads, and comes in a lifetime supply - 1 foot x 3foot x 4 inch block.

My preference for it over leather is two reasons - it seals beautifully over a
damaged or bad-from-the-git-go hole and it seals without needing to oil the
pads ever. I have been using it for maybe 5 years and have had no problems and,
although I oil the chanter bore of course, I never have to oil a key pad. That
to me is the best benefit.

Quoting Richard Evans <>:

> Francis Wood wrote:
> > Thanks for the interesting reply, Richard.
> > 
> > I can see some good reasons for using synthetic materials despite my own 
> > preference:
> > 
> > - Consistent accurate thickness,  good for precisely engineered chanters

> The block of foam is very depressing to look at- it's about a cubic foot 
> and if you translate that into key pads it's a hell of a lot of keys to 
> make!

> The adhesive stuff is fine for a genuine emergency but it's quite 
> different from what I use. I can't remember what it's called but it was 
> recommended by John Liestman. I got it from a canoe shop- it's used for 
> bespoke canoe seats because it moulds to the paddler's backside. Yes, 
> really.

Yer pal,
John Liestman

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