On 10/21/09 11:17 AM, "Ian Lawther" <irlawt...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Perhaps as the Northumbrian piping community we should take Anthony's
> thoughts as a starting place to reassess Colin Ross not as an officer of
> a society but as a very important part of  Northumbrian piping, pipe
> making and Northumbrian music as a whole.

I very much agree with Ian's splitting of the issues.

Colin Ross, to my mind, has been important‹ if not critical‹to the
continuation of the Nsp tradition, both its instruments and its music.
Additionally he has had a major influence on Scottish playing through his
work in developing Scottish smallpipes.

But, sadly, he apparently has become somewhat of a lightning rod for issues
related solely to the NPS.  Not being affiliated with that organization, I
don't give a jot, whit, or tittle about how he is perceived in that portion
of the Nsp world.

Whether he is a GOB (Francis Wood's term) or COB (cranky old bastard‹my
term) or not only adds to his charm and mystique as related to the
instruments, music, and the tradition.  Whether it disrupts some
organizational structure is beyond my concern.

So please, let's keep to the music, instruments, history, tradition, and
influences on this list and keep the NSP discussions securely in-house on a
separate list.

Best wishes.


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