Not piping I know but a great tale.
   For people who do not know Ed's work he is a prolific, witty and
   thought-provoking song writer - 'Farewell Johnny Miner' & 'Ah Cud Hew'
   are just two of his. Here's a link for those interested.

   ----- Forwarded Message -----
   From: Edward Pickford <>
   To: "" <>
   Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 11:23 AM
   Subject: From Ed Pickford - As Ah went doon by Alnwick toon
   I did this yesterday after listening to an interview Kathryn Tickell
   did on 'Travelling Folk' - a Scottish radio folk programme - if you
   look for it it is about the last third of the show - Mike Tickell is
   singing as well - anyway - after listening I added a bit to a story my
   Dad used to tell me when I was a kid [attached]
   In case the attached file does not open up for some reason I'll put the
   text here:
   The Ballad of the Bedlington Terrier
   Ed Pickford Nov 2011
   "I dreamed a dream", old Annie said
   To Carter John and then anon
   As Annie's story did unfold
   John's heart's blood ran exceeding cold

   Her toll house there in Alnwick town
   One evening when the sun went down
   She dreamt was breached by rogue hell bent
   On evil work and cruel intent

   Her ancient bones in dead of night
   Unequal to resist or fight
   In plunder of her honest toil
   All her goods he did dispoil

   Then up spake John of Alnmouth
   A carter known North, East, West, South
   "Now as I am an honest man
   For such a tale I have a plan

   My faithful dog trained by my hand
   Tonight will at your casement stand
   And by instruction will prevent
   The happening of such event

   In Bedlington was John's dog born
   And straightway then as John had sworn
   Was by the window duly placed
   Then John departed in great haste

   The night was long - the night was cold
   And as poor Annie had foretold
   A ghastly noise that night did hear
   But silence reigned as dawn grew near

   Blood red terrier then she saw
   And close-by there dead on the floor
   A villain and a midnight thief
   Ann's grief was tempered with relief

   Throat ripped out as per instruction
   Architect of his destruction
   Amazed did Annie gaze upon
   The face of evil Carter John

   [47.gif] Ed

   [47.gif] Ed


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