So Doyle isn't in a poor run of form... He's just $hite. Now I understand. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 19/12/2011, at 11:45 AM, LEESE Matthew <> wrote:

> I'm intrigued by player form having been proven to not exist. I felt I've had 
> some periods of form over the years (OK, once) and have seen what I assumed 
> to be this in other players, both professional and ones I've played with. 
> When a player has a particularly fruitful period that is above his normal 
> recognised levels, what is this put down to? In my case it could probably be 
> linked to drinking less beer in the main but there have been other times 
> where I don't think I've done anything differently, but have felt I've hit a 
> bit of 'form'.
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of paul 
> Sent: Monday, 19 December 2011 11:38 AM
> To: Nsw Wolves
> Subject: Re: [NSWolves] Welcome Back Matthew
> I would contend that you have no idea what your talking about!
> We have all played football at various levels and know how it should be 
> played. Wolves are not playing or trying to play good football, end of. MM 
> out!
> Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra
> From: Steven Millward <>
> Sender:
> Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 11:31:42 +1100
> To: <>
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: Re: [NSWolves] Welcome Back Matthew
> I have to confess I get frustrated by the apparent lack of logic that's 
> applied to football support.  There are many people on here have excellent 
> analytical abilities and yet it gets unused in the face of what seems more 
> like superstition and knee jerk emotion.  Rog for example applies a great 
> deal of analysis to backing horses.  Marcus works in insurance, where 
> actuaries are the backbone of the business and are some of the highest paid 
> statisticians in any profession.
> I took it upon myself to analyse wages  versus position last season and found 
> a correlation stronger than I have ever  found in 15 years of analysing 
> business problems and relationships.  I then found that someone more skilled 
> than me had already done it, which is why I'm going to read his book.
> The example you give below seems to fall in the superstition camp.  We all 
> form qualitative assessments of managers and how good they are.  I would 
> contend that none of us know what we are talking about when it comes to 
> assessing managers, and in any case they have little impact on league 
> position.  
> You also mention "form".  Player form has been proven not to exist, in 
> football and any other game.  Another  superstition based on humans being 
> pattern seeking and never seeking to rigourously justify it.  
> I guess this is how most superstitions  start.
> On 19 December 2011 11:10, LEESE Matthew <> wrote:
> The conspiracy theorist in me thought my 'ban' was down to my movement away 
> from the pro-Mick camp but then realised if that were the case the list would 
> have 2 active posters. Gave it some more (reasoned) thought and worked out it 
> was probably down to the fact our email addresses have just been changed at 
> work and so I was likely not recognised by the server. Shame, I'd fired off a 
> couple of super witty responses to comments last week that never got through.
> Mark Hughes eh? Interesting one. I had an interesting converstaion with 
> Elliot on Saturday (really, I did!) about how I wouldn't mind Bolton's poor 
> form continuing and getting Owen Coyle at Molineux. I had no answer to his 
> very sound argument that it is pretty ridiculous to be saying 'Not happy with 
> our current manager, would like to swap him for the one that's currently got 
> his team bottom of the league'. Despite my extra sobriety now compared to 
> Saturday, I still don't have an answer, but I do quite like him and 
> particularly the style of football he gets his teams playing.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Paul Hart
> Sent: Monday, 19 December 2011 11:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: [NSWolves] Welcome Back Matthew
>  Why were you bannned Matthew ?
>  Did you dare to ask for the head of MM
>  Has anybody else heard the rumour
>  That Mark Hughes was at the Stoke
>  game ???
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> Boo! Thick Mick Out.
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> Boo! Thick Mick Out.
> -- 
> Boo! Thick Mick Out.
> -- 
> Boo! Thick Mick Out.
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> -- 
> Boo! Thick Mick Out.

Boo! Thick Mick Out.

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