none wrote:
> Le 2017-03-20 08:36, Jean-Pierre André a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> none wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Does anyone has an idea on how to build a ntfs 3.1 filesystem less than
>>> 150Kb large ?
>> The 3.5" diskettes I was using thirty years ago had a
>> capacity of 720kB... Earlier there were 5" diskettes
>> with a capacity around 350kB.
> I remember about ntfs for floppies, but it can’t build a ntfs 3.1
> filesystem
>> You will probably have to patch mkntfs, and be on you own.
> I patched mkntfs for accepting to create a fileystem below 1Mb, but I’m
> completely unable to tell to create a small LogFile. I also don’t

You might try extending the logic for computing the
logfile size in mkntfs_initialize_rl_logfile() from

> understand the format used by $UpCase, so I can’t shrunk it at all.

This is just byte pairs giving the upper-case code
for each character : for example at index 'a' (or 0x61*2)
you get 'A' (pair 0x41, 0x00).

You might try setting UPCASE_LEN to a smaller value in

Of course you may have to deal with unwanted consequences.


>> ntfs-3g might be able to mount such a non-standard volume,
>> but Windows will probably not.
> Yes Windows® refuse to mount ntfs volumes below 8Mb, but I’m interested
> in ntfs-3g. And wouldn’t it be better if libntfs-3g had several test
> cases upstream like most non fileystem parser have ?
> Cordialement,

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