
> another option is to use:
>    \usepath[list of paths]
>    \usesubpath[list of subpaths]

Thanks again! It works almost like --path option -- files included with
\processXMLfile ARE included, but files included by
\input (or \typefile) ARE NOT. Anyway I've solved the problem already. I
described it below in case somebody have the same pain.

I have to make a package for automatic conversion XML2PDF. I decide to use
ConTeXt for it (neither XSLT nor xmltex, ..., are so suitable) and that is
how our love began! The problem is that the package should be independent
from kpathsea as far as possible. I mean searching paths for macros, fonts,
encodings, ..., must be configurable internaly, without touching texmf.cnf
and any other config files. There are three reasons: one is that my boss is
unfortunately not interested in learnig/configuring/using TeX at all, second
is that it must be portable and work with any(?) kpathsea installation with
ConTeXt.  The last but not least is that there isn't still miniTeX (really
mini!) kpathsea distribution which may be very usefull in such situation...
Of course it's possible to make this by cruel substraction of existing
distributoion but... Anyway I wrote some perl-scripts, which solve
kpathsea-like syntax in independent config file (which is nice training:-).
Variables (i.e TEXINPUTS) defined in this small, external config and are
either temporarly exported to (nested) environment or rewriten to generated
context code (into \setupexternalfigures[directory=...], \usepath[...] and
so on). Script traverse a tree of XML documents and generate context-codes
which are compiled directly to PDF.

It is still experimental and not best solution, but works ok. Meybe somebody
have made this voyage already?

Regards, Pawe/l

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