[firt message still waits for moderator approval, here's a new and
improved version]

I'm giving ConTeXt  a first go in typesetting a diploma.  

I've figured out that I'd like to try to typeset to a five-column grid.

Most of the stuff should be centered against the third column, while
some stuff should be centered to the second and fourth column.

This makes for a very boring diploma, but that's beside the point at
this stage.

I want 1-inch borders throughout, so before \starttext, I have 


(I pretend that marginpars don't exist.  I'm sure they'll come back and
haunt me).

Furthermore, before \starttext, I set up the layers I think I need with

\definelayer [text] 
\setupbackgrounds [text] [background=text]

(The showgrid is there because I like to see what I'm doing).  Then I
have, say,

       Diploma awarded to}

now, _is_ this the smartest way to do this? 

furthermore, I'd like to allow for input into fields from Acrobat.  I
have this:


\myCenter{3}{11}{Sertifikat Nr. DNV-2004-OSL-PERS-\field[CertID]}

trouble is, the _field_ is aligned to the baseline, whereas I'd like
the text _of_ the field to be thus aligned.  any suggestiosn?

(as a matter of fact, the problem with this approach is that text
cannot ever be centered becaue TeX need to know the dimensions at
typesetting time - which isn't known until the user has interacted.  is
there, say, JavaScript magic that could be done in order to have text
centered after it has been input?

and on a sitenote,

I'd like to have a frame around the entire page.  Preferably, I'd like
to be able to place it using numerical coordinates (absolute or
relative, set to a layer or not).  Is this, or something close to it,

thank you,

Rolf Lindgren                                            http://www.roffe.com/
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