
After downloading the latest release, after updating the pdfetex binaries, making the engines running again ...

        This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3)
        ConTeXt  ver: 2005.01.13  fmt: 2005.1.15  int: english  mes:            

I need to use \setuppagenumbering[way=bychapter] According to the new syntax given in TeXshow it is now \setuppagenumbering[way=bycd:chapter]

Unortunately this results in the following message:

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
<argument> ...stringelse .\csname \currentsection
\c!number \endcsname \@@@i...

\expanded ...\long \xdef \@@expanded {\noexpand #1
\p!doifinstringelse ...{\pp!doifinstringelse #2#1}
\dodoifinstringelse ...tringelse \@@@instring {#1}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \firstoftwoarguments ...

\dodochecknummer ...up \doifinstringelse {.0}{.#2}
{\doifnot {#3}\v!by {\set...
l.13 ^^I\chapter[Ch-Test]{Test}

See also the attached minimal testfile bycd.tex

Am I missing something?

Kind regards Willi
% Bug?
% CONTEXT file
% filename: bycd.tex
% Willi Egger
% 15-01-2005



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