Dear Mojca:

I think I see what the problem is.  If, instead of typing

>       a midaligned parbox:
>\eTD\bTD[offset=0pt,width=1em] % 1em wide paragraph
>       1 2 3

you type
1\ 2\ 3\

you get what is wanted, namely,

My guess is that there is a built-in bias not to split a line
but, rather, give you an overfull \hbox.  I "forced" the
issue by defining each column to be less than 1em (because "1"
is a very narrow char that surely takes less than 1 em), and
by adding a typescript space after each number.  It might
even be possible to eliminate the typescript space and simply
define each column to be 0.25em, say, but I did not try it.
Best, elena

P.S.  Let me know if I missed the boat entirely.  This is the
first issue I attempt to answer.

Here is what I ran in LiveContext:

\setupTABLE[frame=on] % only for debugging reasons
\setupTABLE[c][each][align=lohi] % to center vertically (any better way?)
\bTR\bTD[offset=0pt,width=0.5em] % 1em wide paragraph
        1\ 2\ 3\

>On the wiki ( a while ago 
>someone asked how to do the following in ConTeXt:
>a box with a table:
>a midaligned parbox: \parbox[c]{1em}{1 2 3}
>I don't know if this would be the proper solution, but for the second 
>case (\parbox[c]{1em}{...} which should make a paragraph 1 em wide and 
>center the paragraph box vertically) I tried the following:
>\setupTABLE[frame=on] % only for debugging reasons
>\setupTABLE[c][1,2][align=lohi] % to center vertically (any better way?)
>       a midaligned parbox:
>\eTD\bTD[offset=0pt,width=1em] % 1em wide paragraph
>       1 2 3
>My ConTeXt version is 2005.06.27.
>See the vcenter-context-old.png for the result.
>The strange thing is that the number 2 is still in the first line, 
>although it is too wide.
>Even more strange, I tried the same on See 
>vcenter-context-new.png for the result.
>vcenter-latex.tex is what the result should be.
>This also results in a mess on the
>     {\bTABLE
>        \bTR\bTD whatever \eTD\eTR
>     \eTABLE}

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