Dear list,
especially Hraban, who had asked for sth like this,

 I had tried sending this yesterday, but with the pdf output included,
it was too big for the list.

 In any case, please find enclosed a tentative lilypond inclusion file
and a sample
file.  The whole thing basically works (though support for non-pdf
versions is currently absent, but should be relatively easy to
implement), but I'm sure I've taken a non-ConTeXt-way at more than one
place and I have a few problems, most of them lilypond-related.  The
first three are strictly ConTeXt-related, though:

- I can't include blank lines in \startlilypond...\stoplilypond,
  because in the buffer I will get a \par for that.  There is
  probably some easy way around this, but I haven't found the
  idiom yet.

- Currently, the whole generation only works with shell_escape=t.
  Is there a way to use the automp mechanism for other external
  programs, such as lilypond, as well?  It would also save quite
  some time to only typeset each piece of music only once.

- How can I detect whether a pdf file contains multiple pages?

- I have only tested the system on my Tiger installation.
  I'd like to know if it works for others, too.

- When typesetting a longer block, I'd like to tell lilypond
  how much space there is left on the first page, to have music
  break across pages smoothly with the text.

- When typesetting a fragment, I'd like to somehow get a proper
  baseline from lilypond.  I have neither found out how to ask
  if there is more than one line typeset, nor for the baseline
  (let's say the bottom line of the staff), which obviously depends
  on the music actually set.  The sample file uses an explicit
  \lower command with a trial-&-error value.  I assume that
  the lilypond TeX backend gives me something that could be
  useful here, but I haven't analyzed it in detail.


Attachment: t-lilypond.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: lily-test.tex
Description: TeX document

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