Am Freitag, den 04.11.2005, 15:49 +0100 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:

>    What do you do with ConTeXT?

Two years ago -- I switched from LaTeX to ConTeXt.

I typeset examinations and test for my wife's students at school. 
For that task I wrote based on exam.cls (LaTeX) a ConTexT-modul.

All private und business letters are typeset with my special
DIN-Brief-Modul, based on akletter.cls  (LaTeX) and DIN-letter (ConTeXt)
from Holger Schöner.

I typeset different articles for my father.

I typeset a book (350 page) with lots of tables, german and many czech

my next project is a book about my family from 1600  to now.


Bernd Militzer
Dipl. oec. Dipl.-Hdl. OStR a.D.
Hubertusstr. 34  47906 Kempen

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