Hans Hagen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to clean up the beginners manual (at least the source code) so
> i think this s a good moment to pick up the 'translation' thread
> So the question is:
> - what can go out
> - what should go in
> - what should be updated

31.2. \showbodyfont[cmr]
32.2. has to be rewritten I guess (write something about
\enableregime[utf-8] and something about encodings)
38 (using modules): to be rewritten
C (auxilary files): mention texutil --purge[all]

What could be added:
- Tables: Natural tables (already mentioned by Taco). I just realized
that this is the only manual where the "usual" tables are actually
explained. I was looking for the explanation in cont-eni before.
- Bibliography
- Slides: some basic example with \usemodule[pre-whatever] to show the
user that making slides is no more difficult than making an A4
- Metafun: some basic examples and a reference to the manual
- XML: a basic example
- mention XeTeX & Aleph somewhere (at least under section with fonts
or lnguage-specific issues)

> as well as:
> - who will participate (in translation)

Slovenian translation is not rentable yet :(

> - how to deal with localization (maybe dedicated language related chapters)

Not a bad idea. Encodings, regimes, \mainlanguage, using different
interface, French "active characters", quotations, Greek, Vietnamese,
Russian, ... under the same hood.

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