Hans van der Meer wrote:

On Jan 6, 2006, at 18:20, Peter Rolf wrote:

Hans van der Meer wrote:
I want to put to some paragraphs, each as framed text, on one line.
Such as:

    para 1
    para 2

I tried some things but the two frames will not come out on one line.
How to do this?

\placesidebyside (context manual p.228) should work. A \hbox is  another
option, but maybe too unhandy for this.

Greetings, Peter

No, that will not work.
After much probing I found the culprit.
The framedtext takes the full linewidth and apparently does not reduces it to the given size.
Therefore enclosing in a vbox seems necessary:
   \vbox{\hsize=framesize\startframedtext{width=framesize ...

Question for Hans Hagen: is it an option letting framedtext set the hsize when a specific width is given?

\hbox to \hsize \bgroup
       \input tufte
       \input zapf

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