On Mon, 16 Jan 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:

Mojca Miklavec wrote:

I might have missed it by not reading careful enough: is it possible
to left/right/middle align certain columns inside \startalign?

some day (try to convince me/taco,

Please, please, please :-)

bribe us,

Not possible, I am a poor student :-)

write detailed specs,

For certain applications, one needs to left/right align the columns. It will be nice if

\startformula \startalign
\NC a \NC[align=right]= -1 \NR
\NC b \NC[align=right]= 1  \NR
\stopalign \stopformula

comes out as

  a = -1
  b =  1

Maybe some way of doing this for all columns in a align, say
\startformula \startalign[align={2,right}] %This is ugly syntax, can't
                          % think of something good right away
\NC a \NC= -1 \NR
\NC b \NC=  1 \NR
\stopalign \stopformula

send us so many mails that we give in, etc)

This will be the next step :-) Hans, thanks a ton for all this functionality.

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