Hans Hagen wrote:
> olivier Turlier wrote:
>>Hi everybody,
>>In writing a glossary of building terms (approx. 400 entries) in a natural 
>>For each letter, A, B, C, I want a screen background, spanning on 2 colomns,
>>with \bf style, etc.  : this leads to a rather long definition that I don't 
>>to copy on each new letter row, so I made a little macro to recall this setup.
>>This system is not working yet, so i beg your help, TIA for any answer
> you can say odd/even etc instead of 1,3,5 

Thinking about a feature request:

I very frequentely set every third (3,6,9,...) row with gray background 
to make wide tables well-arranged. I did it by a loop or with a script 
that generates data. Some 'everythird' equivalent to 'even' or 'odd' 
would be more strightforward.

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