On 6/29/06, Taco Hoekwater <wrote:
> {\bf A test \variant[Caps] in small caps}

Does this work on your computer? (I don't get any caps here.)

> \newbox\chemlowbox
> \def\chemlow#1%
>    {\setbox\chemlowbox\hbox{{\switchtobodyfont[small]#1}}}
> \def\chemhigh#1%
>    {\ifvoid\chemlowbox \high{{\switchtobodyfont[small]#1}}%
>     \else \lohi[left]{\box\chemlowbox}{{\switchtobodyfont[small]#1}}\fi }
> \def\finishchem{\ifvoid\chemlowbox \else \low{\box\chemlowbox}\fi}
> \unexpanded\def\molecule%
>    {\bgroup
>     \catcode`\_=\active \uccode`\~=`\_ \uppercase{\let~\chemlow}%
>     \catcode`\^=\active \uccode`\~=`\^ \uppercase{\let~\chemhigh}%
>     \dostepwiserecurse {65}{90}{1}
>        {\catcode \recurselevel = \active
>         \uccode`\~=\recurselevel
>         \uppercase{\edef~{\noexpand\finishchem
> \rawcharacter{\recurselevel}}}}%
>     \catcode`\-=\active \uccode`\~=`\- \uppercase{\def~{--}}%
>     \domolecule }%
> \def\domolecule#1{#1\finishchem\egroup}
> \starttext
> \molecule{HSO_4^{-}}
> \molecule{H_2SO_4}
> {\bfa A story about \molecule{SF_6}}
> {\scx A story about \molecule{sf_6}}
> {\bsb A story about \molecule{SF_6}}
> \stoptext

Thanks for the magnificent macro! I replaced minus by $-$ and I had to
remove "[left]" because that one is only good for isotopes such as
"_8^16O" (I defined another command for them: they usually don't
appear in formulas anyway), \molecule{SO_4^{2+}} would be weird

It works perfect except in a single case: \title{\molecule{SF_6}}

But please do not lose too much time on it. I can still use explicit
\high and \low in titles (I didn't think about them before you two
reminded me about its existence and I'm very grateful for that).

> > i didt follow this thread, so i may be wrong, but doesn't the ppchtex
> > (see manuals) module does that kind of stuff?
> It doesn't retain font styles (at least, I could not make it do that)

Same here. I first had my own simple definition \def\molecule#1{$\rm
#1$}, but I didn't know how to change the font automatically.
\chemical{H_2O} is almost the same as the definition above (of course
the latter is much more powerful, but I only needed it for very simple
formulas). In general it's probably not a good idea to typeset the
formulas in bold and/or italic, but that was for some rather "special
occasion" (very simple formulas often being part of titles,
italic/bold text and so on, ...).

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