On Wed, 9 Aug 2006, Derek Schmidt wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm a complete ConTeXt newbie, so please be patient with me. :)
> I'm putting together a book and I'm trying to use the project
> structure that Context likes so much. My components come out
> beautifully--they are chapters in the book.
> The product file is the actual book. I don't have the code in front of
> me, but it looks very much like the examples given in the manuals and
> at ContextGarden. When I texexec it, it runs but only produces and
> empty table of contents with the word Contents at the top. It won't
> list the chapters, forget about actually printing their content.

I do not understand this. Do you mean that the components are not in 
the output?

> Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I'm guessing this might not be
> enough info for you to help. I'll try to answer any questions as best
> I can.

It is pretty hard to guess. Does your product file look like this

\startproduct product-name

\environment env-name

\component component-1
\component component-2


Maybe the components are not getting loaded. To actually see which 
files are being loaded, look at product.tui file. The enteries 
starting with f tell you which files are being read. What does the 
output of

grep "^f" product.tui

look like?

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