On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:

> I'm playing with simple files in order to learn metafun.  The following
> small example produces an undefined figure.  It illustrates either a
> context problem or, more likely, a confusion on my part.
> ================= cut here ===========================================
> \runMPgraphicstrue
> \starttext
> \startreusableMPgraphic{a}
> fill fullcircle scaled 2cm;
> \stopreusableMPgraphic
> \placefigure[here,none]{}{\reuseMPgraphic{a}}
> \input tufte
> \stoptext
> ================= cut here ===========================================
> The figure is a square saying 'undefined'.  Taking away the
> \runMPgraphicstrue line produces the expected filled circle.
> I use a web2c distribution (linux) with
>  context version 2006.08.08 21:51,
>  TeXExec | version 6.2.0 - 1997-2006 - PRAGMA ADE/POD

Strange... It works fine here with

ConTeXt  ver: 2006.09.10 13:33 MK II  fmt: 2006.9.10  int: 

Normally, runMPgraphics is set to true in one of the files, so you do 
not need to set it to true. I have no idea why you should be getting 
'undefined'. Check your log file for

systems         : system commands are enabled


system(mpost  -progname=metafun -mem=metafun mptest-mpgraph)...executed.


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