>                         there were a couple of problems that I just  
> couldn't resolve, especially regarding the characters with an iota  
> subscript:

  Indeed. This is a problem with the Fontforge code applying the GSUB
features: the 'grbl' feature is defined by two lookups, one being a list
of single substitutions (h -> eta) and the other a list of ligature
substitutions (h bar -> eta with subscribed iota).  Now, since the latter
has to take precedence to avoid conflicts, I explicitely put it before
the other, but it seems that Fontforge ignores this and applies the list
of single substitutions before the other (this is confirmed by the cache
file [EMAIL PROTECTED] where the lookup with the single
substitutions, called "GreelBabelLookupSimple", appears first in the
gsub table).

  Note that this doesn't happen for substitutions *inside* a lookup (so
things like "greater eta bar" and "eta bar" don't conflict since they're
both ligature substitutions and I put the former before in the list, and
the substitutions are correctly applied.  As a far as I understand, this
behaviour is actually compliant with the Opentype specifications and is
quite widespread among typesetting engines and so it is not (only)
Fontforge's fault; but, needless to say, it is nevertheless annoying.
(In more crude terms: Opentype does not specify anything in that respect,
so manufacturers of typesetting software can do whatever they want ...)

  Thomas: to solve the problem at hand, you can try the new feature
file I send along with a small test (I simply define a new feature that is
to be applied after 'grbl', to deal specifically with the subscribed iotas).

# An Opentype feature to replace the Babel input scheme

# Not quite complete; some rhos with breathings and accents are missing (where
# are they?) and the final sigma isn't accounted for.

lookup GreekBabelLookupSimple {
    lookupflag 0 ;
        sub a   by alpha ;
        sub b   by beta ;
        sub g   by gamma ;
        sub d   by delta ;
        sub e   by epsilon ;
        sub z   by zeta ;
        sub h   by eta ;
        sub j   by theta ;
        sub i   by iota ;
        sub k   by kappa ;
        sub l   by lambda ;
        sub m   by mu ;
        sub n   by nu ;
        sub x   by xi ;
        sub o   by omicron ;
        sub p   by pi ;
        sub r   by rho ;
        sub c   by sigmafinal ;
        sub s   by sigma ;
        sub t   by tau ;
        sub u   by upsilon ;
        sub f   by phi ;
        sub q   by chi ;
        sub y   by psi ;
        sub w   by omega ;
        sub A   by Alpha ;
        sub B   by Beta ;
        sub G   by Gamma ;
        sub D   by Delta ;
        sub E   by Epsilon ;
        sub Z   by Zeta ;
        sub H   by Eta ;
        sub J   by Theta ;
        sub I   by Iota ;
        sub K   by Kappa ;
        sub L   by Lambda ;
        sub M   by Mu ;
        sub N   by Nu ;
        sub X   by Xi ;
        sub O   by Omicron ;
        sub P   by Pi ;
        sub R   by Rho ;
        sub C   by Uni03C2 ;
        sub S   by Sigma ;
        sub T   by Tau ;
        sub U   by Upsilon ;
        sub F   by Phi ;
        sub Q   by Chi ;
        sub Y   by Psi ;
        sub W   by Omega ;
        sub semicolon   by periodcentered ;
} GreekBabelLookupSimple ;

lookup GreekBabelLookupMultiple {
    lookupflag 1 ;
        # sub s 'space by sigmafinal ;
        sub greater  a by uni1F00 ;
        sub greater  A by uni1F08 ;
        sub greater  e by uni1F10 ;
        sub greater  E by uni1F18 ;
        sub greater  h by uni1F20 ;
        sub greater  H by uni1F28 ;
        sub greater  i by uni1F30 ;
        sub greater  I by uni1F38 ;
        sub greater  o by uni1F40 ;
        sub greater  O by uni1F48 ;
        sub greater  u by uni1F50 ;
        # sub greater  U by uni1F58 ;
        sub greater  w by uni1F60 ;
        sub greater  W by uni1F68 ;
        sub greater grave a by uni1F02 ;
        sub greater grave A by uni1F0A ;
        sub greater grave e by uni1F12 ;
        sub greater grave E by uni1F1A ;
        sub greater grave h by uni1F22 ;
        sub greater grave H by uni1F2A ;
        sub greater grave i by uni1F32 ;
        sub greater grave I by uni1F3A ;
        sub greater grave o by uni1F42 ;
        sub greater grave O by uni1F4A ;
        sub greater grave u by uni1F52 ;
        # sub greater grave U by uni1F5A ;
        sub greater grave w by uni1F62 ;
        sub greater grave W by uni1F6A ;
        sub greater quotesingle a by uni1F04 ;
        sub greater quotesingle A by uni1F0C ;
        sub greater quotesingle e by uni1F14 ;
        sub greater quotesingle E by uni1F1C ;
        sub greater quotesingle h by uni1F24 ;
        sub greater quotesingle H by uni1F2C ;
        sub greater quotesingle i by uni1F34 ;
        sub greater quotesingle I by uni1F3C ;
        sub greater quotesingle o by uni1F44 ;
        sub greater quotesingle O by uni1F4C ;
        sub greater quotesingle u by uni1F54 ;
        sub greater quotesingle U by uni1F5C ;
        sub greater quotesingle w by uni1F64 ;
        sub greater quotesingle W by uni1F6C ;
        sub greater asciitilde a by uni1F06 ;
        sub greater asciitilde A by uni1F0E ;
        sub greater asciitilde e by uni1F16 ;
        sub greater asciitilde E by uni1F1E ;
        sub greater asciitilde h by uni1F26 ;
        sub greater asciitilde H by uni1F2E ;
        sub greater asciitilde i by uni1F36 ;
        sub greater asciitilde I by uni1F3E ;
        sub greater asciitilde o by uni1F46 ;
        sub greater asciitilde O by uni1F4E ;
        sub greater asciitilde u by uni1F56 ;
        sub greater asciitilde U by uni1F5E ;
        sub greater asciitilde w by uni1F66 ;
        sub greater asciitilde W by uni1F6E ;
        sub less  a by uni1F01 ;
        sub less  A by uni1F09 ;
        sub less  e by uni1F11 ;
        sub less  E by uni1F19 ;
        sub less  h by uni1F21 ;
        sub less  H by uni1F29 ;
        sub less  i by uni1F31 ;
        sub less  I by uni1F39 ;
        sub less  o by uni1F41 ;
        sub less  O by uni1F49 ;
        sub less  u by uni1F51 ;
        sub less  U by uni1F59 ;
        sub less  w by uni1F61 ;
        sub less  W by uni1F69 ;
        sub less grave a by uni1F03 ;
        sub less grave A by uni1F0B ;
        sub less grave e by uni1F13 ;
        sub less grave E by uni1F1B ;
        sub less grave h by uni1F23 ;
        sub less grave H by uni1F2B ;
        sub less grave i by uni1F33 ;
        sub less grave I by uni1F3B ;
        sub less grave o by uni1F43 ;
        sub less grave O by uni1F4B ;
        sub less grave u by uni1F53 ;
        sub less grave U by uni1F5B ;
        sub less grave w by uni1F63 ;
        sub less grave W by uni1F6B ;
        sub less quotesingle a by uni1F05 ;
        sub less quotesingle A by uni1F0D ;
        sub less quotesingle e by uni1F15 ;
        sub less quotesingle E by uni1F1D ;
        sub less quotesingle h by uni1F25 ;
        sub less quotesingle H by uni1F2D ;
        sub less quotesingle i by uni1F35 ;
        sub less quotesingle I by uni1F3D ;
        sub less quotesingle o by uni1F45 ;
        sub less quotesingle O by uni1F4D ;
        sub less quotesingle u by uni1F55 ;
        sub less quotesingle U by uni1F5D ;
        sub less quotesingle w by uni1F65 ;
        sub less quotesingle W by uni1F6D ;
        sub less asciitilde a by uni1F07 ;
        sub less asciitilde A by uni1F0F ;
        sub less asciitilde e by uni1F17 ;
        sub less asciitilde E by uni1F1F ;
        sub less asciitilde h by uni1F27 ;
        sub less asciitilde H by uni1F2F ;
        sub less asciitilde i by uni1F37 ;
        sub less asciitilde I by uni1F3F ;
        sub less asciitilde o by uni1F47 ;
        sub less asciitilde O by uni1F4F ;
        sub less asciitilde u by uni1F57 ;
        sub less asciitilde U by uni1F5F ;
        sub less asciitilde w by uni1F67 ;
        sub less asciitilde W by uni1F6F ;
        sub grave a by uni1F70 ;
        sub quotesingle a by uni1F71 ;
        sub grave e by uni1F72 ;
        sub quotesingle e by uni1F73 ;
        sub grave h by uni1F74 ;
        sub quotesingle h by uni1F75 ;
        sub grave i by uni1F76 ;
        sub quotesingle i by uni1F77 ;
        sub grave o by uni1F78 ;
        sub quotesingle o by uni1F79 ;
        sub grave u by uni1F7A ;
        sub quotesingle u by uni1F7B ;
        sub grave w by uni1F7C ;
        sub quotesingle w by uni1F7D ;
        sub grave A by uni1FBA ;
        sub quotesingle A by uni1FBB ;
        sub grave E by uni1FC8 ;
        sub quotesingle E by uni1FC9 ;
        sub grave H by uni1FCA ;
        sub quotesingle H by uni1FCB ;
        sub grave I by uni1FDA ;
        sub quotesingle I by uni1FDB ;
        sub grave U by uni1FEA ;
        sub quotesingle U by uni1FEB ;
        sub grave W by uni1FFA ;
        sub quotesingle W by uni1FFB ;
        sub greater  a bar by uni1F80 ;
        sub greater  A bar by uni1F88 ;
        sub greater  h bar by uni1F90 ;
        sub greater  H bar by uni1F98 ;
        sub greater  w bar by uni1FA0 ;
        sub greater  W bar by uni1FA8 ;
        sub greater grave a bar by uni1F82 ;
        sub greater grave A bar by uni1F8A ;
        sub greater grave h bar by uni1F92 ;
        sub greater grave H bar by uni1F9A ;
        sub greater grave w bar by uni1FA2 ;
        sub greater grave W bar by uni1FAA ;
        sub greater quotesingle a bar by uni1F84 ;
        sub greater quotesingle A bar by uni1F8C ;
        sub greater quotesingle h bar by uni1F94 ;
        sub greater quotesingle H bar by uni1F9C ;
        sub greater quotesingle w bar by uni1FA4 ;
        sub greater quotesingle W bar by uni1FAC ;
        sub greater asciitilde a bar by uni1F86 ;
        sub greater asciitilde A bar by uni1F8E ;
        sub greater asciitilde h bar by uni1F96 ;
        sub greater asciitilde H bar by uni1F9E ;
        sub greater asciitilde w bar by uni1FA6 ;
        sub greater asciitilde W bar by uni1FAE ;
        sub less  a bar by uni1F81 ;
        sub less  A bar by uni1F89 ;
        sub less  h bar by uni1F91 ;
        sub less  H bar by uni1F99 ;
        sub less  w bar by uni1FA1 ;
        sub less  W bar by uni1FA9 ;
        sub less grave a bar by uni1F83 ;
        sub less grave A bar by uni1F8B ;
        sub less grave h bar by uni1F93 ;
        sub less grave H bar by uni1F9B ;
        sub less grave w bar by uni1FA3 ;
        sub less grave W bar by uni1FAB ;
        sub less quotesingle a bar by uni1F85 ;
        sub less quotesingle A bar by uni1F8D ;
        sub less quotesingle h bar by uni1F95 ;
        sub less quotesingle H bar by uni1F9D ;
        sub less quotesingle w bar by uni1FA5 ;
        sub less quotesingle W bar by uni1FAD ;
        sub less asciitilde a bar by uni1F87 ;
        sub less asciitilde A bar by uni1F8F ;
        sub less asciitilde h bar by uni1F97 ;
        sub less asciitilde H bar by uni1F9F ;
        sub less asciitilde w bar by uni1FA7 ;
        sub less asciitilde W bar by uni1FAF ;
        sub grave a bar by uni1FB2 ;
        sub quotesingle a bar by uni1FB4 ;
        sub grave h bar by uni1FC2 ;
        sub quotesingle h bar by uni1FC4 ;
        sub grave w bar by uni1FD2 ;
        sub quotesingle w bar by uni1FD4 ;
        sub asciitilde a by uni1FB6 ;
        sub asciitilde a bar by uni1FB7 ;
        sub asciitilde h by uni1FC6 ;
        sub asciitilde h bar by uni1FC7 ;
        sub asciitilde w by uni1FD6 ;
        sub asciitilde w bar by uni1FD7 ;
        sub greater r by uni1FE4 ;
        sub less r by uni1FE5 ;
        sub less R by uni1FEC ;
} GreekBabelLookupMultiple ;

lookup GreekBabel2LookupMultiple {
    lookupflag 1 ;
        sub alpha bar by uni1FB3 ;
        sub eta bar by uni1FC3 ;
        sub omega bar by uni1FF3 ;
} GreekBabel2LookupMultiple ;

feature grbl {

    script DFLT ;
        language dflt ;
            lookup GreekBabelLookupMultiple ;
            lookup GreekBabelLookupSimple ;

    script latn;
        language dflt ;
            lookup GreekBabelLookupMultiple ;
            lookup GreekBabelLookupSimple ;
} grbl ;

feature grb2 {

    script DFLT ;
        language dflt ;
            lookup GreekBabel2LookupMultiple ;

    script latn;
        language dflt ;
            lookup GreekBabel2LookupMultiple ;
} grb2 ;

% For Thomas Schmitz.
% Deal with subscribed iotas


\font\bosphoros=name:BosporosU*greek-babel at 20pt



a| h| w|

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