Dear Claudio,

Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 00:39, Claudio Beccari wrote:
> Dear Mojca,
> no proper Italian word ends in ch (this digraph in normal Italian words is
> pronunced as k, not as č or ć).
> Nevertheless there are a number of surnames dating back to the old times
> (150 years ago) when North East Italy was under Austro-Hungarian ruling,
> when Istrian names, mainly Croatian and Slovenian, where transliterated in
> such a way that the tipical patronimic ending  -ič or -ić (I don't know the
> exact spelling in Latin letters of the Croatian/Slovenian names) was
> transliterated for the Empire bureaucracy with -ich.

Thanks a lot for some more insight. I admit that I didn't know the
details (I should be ashamed) and in my area they were more radical
with surname changes (mine was Michelazzi and I think that most
surnames here were "properly Romanized", for example Filipčič ->
Filippi, so again no problems with hyphenation :) :) :).

> This spelling remained
> when North East Italy and Istria were annexed to the Kingdom of Italy at the
> end of WW1. After WW2 most of Istria returned mainly to Croatia and a small
> part to Slovenia, but the Slovenians and Croatians that had moved the NE
> Italy and had become Italian citizens maintained their surnames with the
> Austro-Hungarian spelling.
> When I prepared the hyphen patterns for Italian ad Latin I did think to
> this particular spelling, but I concluded that it was not so important; I
> was wrong, and I apologize.

There's no need to apologize. First, there's an "infinite" number of
foreign names, so that one simply cannot get all of them right. I
guess that Lju-bl-ja-na is not properly hyphenated either (Lu-bia-na
is ok), but in my opinion it's a valid argument that one should change
the language when writing foreign names if they are to be hyphenated
properly. I can also easily imagine Slovenian patterns that would
    Fis-cher, Aac-hen, Go-ethe
when not knowing that those letters represent a single "letter"/sound
in foreign words.

Second, I have no idea, but I think it was a pure coincidence that the
"problem" reported by Rogutės Sparnuotos is the same as that for
surnames of a group of people on North-East (I think that the name in
question comes from Russia with translitaration done by English). On
the other hand if it's just a tiny pattern that solves them all ...

> I will submit, at least for Italian, a revised
> pattern file. I doubt I should do it also for Latin, although it does not
> cost anything...

In case you do submit any updates, I would be extremely grateful for
submitting an update to
instead of (or at least in addition to) the original file (you may
remove the initial comments).

Also, if you happen to have the original of
it would be nice to include it into repository as documentation about
Italian hyphenation (but that's all too off-topic for the ConTeXt
mailing list).

Thanks again,
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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