Am 25.08.2010 um 12:46 schrieb Khaled Hosny:

> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 11:17:13AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
>> On 25-8-2010 10:05, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
>>> Am 24.08.2010 um 20:37 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Today I started preparations for my activities at the ConTeXt meeting.
>>>>> There are two small lua tutorials in the program, and I am looking
>>>>> for input on both. There is one that is supposed to be a general
>>>>> beginner's introduction, and one specifically about fonts.
>>>>> For both, I am looking for input on what subjects I should cover?
>>>>> Since both tutorials will end up as articles/wiki pages, it makes
>>>>> sense to ask everybody on the list for input (but requests by actual
>>>>> attendees will be scored considerably higher).
>>>> Perhaps some example to modify a font at runtime? I don't know whether 
>>>> that's possible at all, but if yes, it would be great to see how one could 
>>>> modify kerning tables etc. Often a font needs to be groomed but its 
>>>> license places some restrictions on modifying the file itself...
>>> +1
>> This is somewhat tricky. Actually I had a mechanism for that but I
>> discarded the code. However there will be a feature like that some
>> day as it needs a rather tight integration in the core of context's
>> font handling. (btw, there is a feature for type 1 fonts that adds
>> 'missing' kerns based on shape codes).
> And there is font feature files, which, when not broken :), look the
> same to the OpenType handling code as if the feature were in the
> original font i.e. no special handling needed.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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