Am Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:13:11 +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:

> On 8-2-2011 10:40, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The luatex documentation contains in section "7.2.2 Example virtual
>> font" an example how to define a virtual font "cmr10-red". The font
>> is defined by adding the code to the define_font callback.

>> Does some interface exists in contex/mkiv which allows to use such
>> virtual fonts together with the normal font loading code? E.g. could
>> I move the code for the font to some file ("cmr10-red.vflua") so
>> that a request \font\mytest="cmr10-red" will simply find this file
>> and use the code like vf, tfm or otf-files are found and used when
>> needed?
> It's relatively easy to add support for that. 

That would be fine. There are quite often on various lists questions
about how to "correct" a font, e.g. adjust kerning, or add a missing
glyph etc and a interface for "virtual lua fonts" would make such
corrections much easier.

The example in the documentation uses as base font cmr10 and loads
it with f = font.read_tfm('cmr10',size). How should one load the
real font when it is an otf? 

> However, when I've done 
> that Khaled has to make sure that it also works in his wrapper code as I 
> don't know to what extend he overloads code. I can only test in the 
> plain variant and context.

If you adapt the context files I can make some tests by exchanging
the luaotfload files and tell Khaled the results. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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