On Mon, 16 Apr 2012, Jan Heinen wrote:

I was lucky to get a fast answer - but with your code I don't get the right result:

-- start your code

First page
\null \page


-- stop

With your code I get:

1 2      first page of the pdf
3 4      second
5 6      third
7 8      fourth

But I want to get:

1         first page of the pdf (coverpage)
2 3      second
4 5      third
6 7      fourth
8         fifth (coverpage)

I know how to use with modes - but the answer must be an other.

Maybe I have to explain it more clearly:

on the first PDF-Page (A5) there should be only the cover-page (page 1)

\setuparranging[1SIDE]%<- I don't know how to write it - nothing was working

On the second PDF-Page there should be page 2 and page 3


It must be a problem lot's of people have when they make a book with ConTeXt
and want to make a second PDF-version for the Internet.

If you don't mind creating another file to convert a given double sided pdf into the above format, you can use the following (pseudo code, untested, and might have typos)

get number of pages in the pdf

insert the first page
   \startTEXpage[height=(A5 height}, width=(A5 width)]

loop and insert all but the last page (you may have to test if the number of pages are odd or even and use \numexpr(\NOfPages - 1) to find the last but one page:

 { \startTEXpage[height=(A5 height), width=(A4 height)]

If the number of pages is even, insert last page.


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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