Mark Your Calendars!  Don't Miss It!

Wednesday, April 14th at 7:30 p.m.
Room L8 (basement)

Parenting Workshop by Renowned Expert Jennifer Kolari
"Raising Resilient Teens"
This special workshop is free for NT Parents!

With warmth and humour, this workshop will explore the delicate bond between 
teenagers and their parents. Using many of the skills therapists use in their 
work with clients, parents will learn to balance empathy with limit setting to 
strengthen and deepen their relationships with their teenagers. Jennifer Kolari 
will offer parents effective strategies to avoid power struggles, help their 
kids make safe choices, and instill in their teens the confidence and 
resilience to say No to their peers.

Jennifer Kolari, Masters of Social Work, Registered Social Worker, is a 
therapist who has been helping children, teens and families get connected for 
20 years. Jennifer published her first book in 2009 with Penguin Group USA and 
Penguin Canada. She has appeared in magazines such as Today's Parent and 
Canadian Family, and on Canada AM, Breakfast Television and on CBC'S Steven and 
Chris. Her insightful strategies shared with warmth and humour make her a 
highly sought-after speaker with schools, organizations and agencies throughout 
North America.

This special event is brought to you by the North Toronto School (Parent) 

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