I agree. There are problems with the current laws regarding wire-taping and
electronic surveillance (ES). But those problems should be fixed instead of
just removing all regulations in place that protect people. 

I heard today on the news that if the FBI (or whoever) is using ES against a
foreigner and that guy connects to a US based pc. They have to immediately
end the surveillance until the suspect disconnects from the US based PC. If
that's their big problem change that law, don't just make it so they can spy
on whoever they want at any given moment.

Matt Wehnes

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carn

I am a strong supporter of law enforcement but I believe this amendment goes
far.  It can be abused by local Private Investigators...do you really want a
getting a wire tap on your phone/computer?  The wording needs to be
and certain provisions spelled out before this becomes an acceptable piece
legislature.  That's all the opposing Senators want, time to clairfy just
will be included in Title III.

There is no way this amendment could have guaranteed preventing the WTC
disaster.  There is no way it can guarantee preventing a similar disaster

tnx Stu

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivo
Author: NT System Admin Issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:       09/18/2001 5:50 AM

Here here!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 5:53 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore

Write my Congressman about what?  About implementing laws designed to
protect us at the cost of a minor infringement on my civil rights?  What
are they doing that your employer or network admins, who could use
benign e-mails in a much more malicious manner, don't already do.  While
I don't like it that we have go to these lengths, I feel it's necessary
for our National Security.  Besides, I've nothing to hide and if I had
something to hide I would not be likely to send it via e-mail. Maybe,
just maybe, if we had this in place a while back, some 6,000+ people,
some of which may have even been on this list, would still be with us.
It's a dangerous world out there, which requires unpleasant measures.



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