I wrote psdReader which reads 16 and 32 bits psd files with layers and masks. 
It's available on Nukepedia. I will update it for 6.3 soon (unfortunately I 
didn't have time to do it so far...).
In general: there is not a bug or weirdness actually. Information about layers 
and masks in 16bit and newer psd files are intentionally hidden to avoid 
compatibility issues with software, which can't parse it correctly. 
8bit psd files uses RLE compression for layers while 16 and 32 bit uses zip 
compression with custom prediction algorithms (sometimes zip without 
prediction, and sometimes- in case of small files- without compression at all).
Remember that psd is closed, constantly evolving format so It's kind of moving 
target :)


W dniu 2011-10-26 09:41:22 użytkownik Peter Pearson <pe...@thefoundry.co.uk> 
> On 26/10/11 08:34, Farhad Mohasseb wrote:
> > Hey Randy that plugin is a really great replacement until the 16bit psd
> > gets added. I'm going to write a py script to read the Meta and create
> > the layers as Joshua was saying.
> > That's awesome peter! Looking forward to it.
> One thing that's weird with 16-bit PSDs is that the layer info isn't 
> actually stored in the header, it's in an extra data section which is 
> different to how 32-bit PSDs save stuff, so if you're talking about 
> using Nuke to read the metadata, I'm not sure if it will see it for 
> 16-bit PSDs...
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter Pearson, Software Engineer
> The Foundry, 6th Floor, The Communications Building,
> 48 Leicester Square, London, UK, WC2H 7LT
> Tel: +44 (0)20 7434 0449   Web: www.thefoundry.co.uk
> The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.
> Registered in England and Wales No: 4642027
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