I've had stuff like that happen. Quicktime is an evil lifetime sucking thing that... never mind.

Just a wild guess: is your nuke script setting set to the same frame rate as the qt? That's the only thing on the nuke side I could think of.

On 3/29/12 4:12 PM, Bill Gilman wrote:
Hey Nuke folks

I'm testing a script in Draft (auto proxy&  movie making software from 
Thinkbox, integrated in Deadline) to make reference QT movies, and I'm getting some 
strange behavior in Nuke.  When I view the movie in QT player, it plays as 
expected, frame 1-10 (ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).  When I pull the same 
thing into Nuke, the first frame seems to be doubled and then subsequent frames 
have a 1 frame offset, with frame 9 being the last frame (ie. 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 
7, 8, 9).

I'm guessing that this is some sort of strangeness with the internal frame 
ordering inside the QT movie file but I can't be sure.  Any way you could help 
me pinpoint this?  QT file attached as .zip



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