Thank you so much, managed to solve the scriptname.

I no longer get the TypeError, but (int)version+1 doesn't really seem to do

If i write:
int(version) + 1
print version

The result will always be 1

But if I write
version = version + 1
print version

It does what I want (adding one number every time i execute)
But I cant put that in the callback, because of the TypeError

What am I missing?

Regarding the framepadding, maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but I don't
think that's quite what I'm after.

In the python script I have to numerical values, frame number & version
I use str(nuke.frame()) to get the frame number, so assuming I'm at frame
45 printing nuke.frame() = 45.
However, I want it to use, at least four digits, so 45 should be 0045.
The same applies for the version number, which I want to be three digits.

I know I can write filname_####.dpx in the writenode, but again, that's not
really what I'm after

I have already looked at nuke.sample, but there doesn't seem to be a way to
fetch the already sampled pixels (shift + ctrl + mouse drag in viewer)
having to manually type in x & y coordinates isnt really worth it for me.

Again, a huge thanks for you help, I really appreciate it.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Diogo Girondi <>wrote:

> To get just the filename you can do something like:
> Import os
> print os.path.basename( nuke.Root().name() )
> Or
> nuke.Root().name().split('/')[-1]
> You can replace the / for os.sep()
> For the TypeError you can simply do int(version)+1 assuming the version
> variable is assigned to a numerical character.
> To use padded sequences just format your filename string correctly using
> either #### or %04d, I suggest you stick with %04d though.
> To sample RGBA data look into nuke.sample on the docs.
> Cheers,
> Diogo
> On 29/03/2012, at 11:14, Jon Wesström <> wrote:
>   I'm still very new to python/nuke scripting, so these questions might
> be dumb, but I'm getting tired of not being able to solve them.
> I'm working on a tool that makes it easy to make breakdowns of a script,
> you basically select a node, press a button, and nuke renders out a frame.
> That part of the tool is done, but I'm getting stuck on all the stuff that
> is generating the filename
> 1: When pressing the renderbutton, the script spawns a writenode, puts
> text in the file knob, renders the frame and then is deleted
> (
>  nuke.removeAfterFrameRender(nuke.delete(nuke.toNode('FrameRender')))      )
> That works fine, but I would also like to add an increment to the
> filename, so I figured this would work: nuke.removeAfterFrameRender(version
> = version + 1), but it gives me this error:
> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects.
> I have tried a bunch of different ways to solve it, but nothing is working.
> 2: Is there a way to force python/nuke to display number using a set
> amount of increments?
> Ex: I would prefer the frame do be written as 0015 in the filename, and
> not 15.
> 3: Is there a way to access the name of the script?
> I know you can write nuke.root().knob('name').getValue(), but that outputs
> not only the name, but also the entire filepath.
> 4: Not related to this, but is there any way to access the rgba data that
> the viewer sampler samples?
> Would like a stickynote that, when created writes down the currently
> sampled colors in RGBA.
> If you would like to take a look at the entire script:
> Any help is greatly appreciated
> /Jon Wesström
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