Nathan the amount of noise from a forum emailed to you is INSANE.  Think
about how many people on the mail list complain about anything off topic
being noise now.   If I was getting forum emails it would just go off the
charts.   Digest Oye,  read through a zillion topics again.
Email.  goes in thread One email subject and all email go into that thread
and I never see another email accept the original.  Forum would be a new
non threaded email for every forum post. At least thats has been my
experience with other forums.

Randy S. Little

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Nathan Rusch <>

>   I would love to keep the mailing lists alive as well, although I'm not
> vehemently against forums.
> However, I think it's worth noting that the interchange between the lists
> and the old forums is (I believe) nonexistent at this point. There are a
> ton of topics on the forums that most people here aren't aware of, and none
> of what is posted here ends up on the forums. In other words, there's
> effectively a small, detached community of people on the list side, and a
> (probably much larger) separate community on the forums who either don't
> know the lists exist, or don't care enough to figure out how to use them.
> Granted, this keeps the signal-to-noise ratio of the lists at a very nice
> level...
> For those of you planning to jump ship, while I'm not on the new forums
> yet myself, I think it should be possible to set up your forum account so
> you receive an email whenever a new topic is posted, or a daily topic
> digest if you preferred. This would make it behave somewhat more like a
> mailing list, except you would need to click a link instead of "reply" to
> respond. Food for thought, maybe.
> -Nathan
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